Ripple Effect: an innovation board game
Ripple Effect is a game born from this question: How might we help communities explore and identify their strengths and opportunities?
The National Volunteer & Philanthropy Centre in Singapore practices and teaches Asset-Based Community Development and their definition is a helpful resource. Asset-Based Community Development is “both a strategy and a mindset within the community context that calls for the ‘identifying and mobilising existing, but often unrecognised assets’ for sustainable community development. It is lauded as a relationship-driven, capacity-focused, ‘glass half-full’ approach.”
When communities experience blight, it can be hard to see their strengths or acknowledge the resources they have at their disposal. Ripple Effect was designed to give communities a tool to recognize the wicked problems impacting them, and then see that they may have more assets than they first imagined.
Client: Discipleship By Design
Discipline: Game Design, Print Design, Design Thinking