Why is the best work created on the most temporal and fragile of surfaces? As a child, my mother would chastise me for drawing on old paper plates, napkins, and ripped pieces of computer paper. She was not upset that I was drawing, but because what I created had a wonderful freedom not often present in my canvases. These cups are a playful push into that world. They are not intended to be fully realized masterpieces, but rather an index of a specific period of time. They are happy and sad, serious and lighthearted, real and contrived. Art is metaphysics. Art is design. Art is privilege. The cups were created across the span of several years, and lean heavily on popular culture, fashion, music, and philosophy. They are self-aware and self-deprecating. The cups are a vignette of my life, and the lives of all whom with I share proximity. I am grateful for the opportunity to show a piece of myself. The work is on the cups, I am on the cusp.
Excerpt of artist statement
March 9th, 2020 Gallery Opening
“Live Laugh Lollygag,” 1920 Gallery
115 Recycled Cups